Warung Bebas

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Pria Terpendek di Dunia (54cm)

The book's bigger than me! Nepal's Chandra Bahadur Dangi, 72, reads the Guinness World Records 2012 after officially becoming the world's shortest man

Seorang pria berumur 72 tahun asal Nepal dianugerahi gelar sebagai pria terpendek di dunia oleh Guinness World Records. Pria lanjut usia itu hanya memiliki tinggi badan 54,6 centimeter saja!

Chandra Bahadur Dangi telah dipastikan sebagai pria terpendek yang pernah terdokumentasi setelah para petugas Guinness World Records melakukan pengukuran tinggi badannya pada Minggu, 26 Februari waktu setempat.

Tinggi badan Dangi lebih rendah 5,3 cm daripada Junrey Balawing, pria Filipina yang sebelumnya memegang gelar "pria terpendek di dunia".

"Saya terus kagum karena rekor ini terus terpecahkan," kata Craig Glenday, kepala Guinness World Records dalam pernyataannya seperti dilansir kantor berita AFP, Senin (27/2/2012).

"Di saat Anda berpikir bahwa mustahil untuk mendapatkan rekor yang lebih kecil lagi, Pak Dangi datang dan membuat kita semua takjub," imbuh Glenday.

Bahkan menurut Glenday, dengan usianya yang 72 tahun, Dangi juga merupakan orang tertua yang pernah memecahkan rekor pria terpendek dalam sejarah 57 tahun Guinness World Record.

Dangi yang berat badannya hanya 12 kilogram itu, menarik perhatian dunia sejak tiga pekan lalu. Tepatnya setelah para periset Nepal yang tengah menyelidiki sejarah rakyat Dangi, dipertemukan dengannya.

Dangi pun berharap rekor baru ini akan mengubah keberuntungannya. Sebab selama bertahun-tahun, Dangi kerap dipamerkan oleh sanak keluarganya dalam pertunjukan-pertunjukan untuk menghasilkan uang.


The 72-year-old Nepalese man Chandra Bahadur Dangi stands a proud 22-inches high and is the shortest living man. He made the long journey from his small village to Kathmandu in order to verify his height with the Guinness World Records.

1The Shortest Living Man
2The Shortest Living Man
3The Shortest Living Man
4The Shortest Living Man
5The Shortest Living Man
7The Shortest Living Man
8The Shortest Living Man
10The Shortest Living Man
11The Shortest Living Man
12The Shortest Living Man
13The Shortest Living Man
14The Shortest Living Man
15The Shortest Living Man
16The Shortest Living Man
17The Shortest Living Man
18The Shortest Living Man
19The Shortest Living Man

How low? A nurse crouches to the left and an official to the right as Chandra measures up... at just 22 inches tall

Anxious wait: The ruler is placed against the old man's head as officials confirm what he has always believed - that he is the smallest man on the planet

Official: Chandra Bahadur Dangi, a 72-year-old Nepali poses with his certificates after being declared the world's shortest man by Guinness World Records officials at 21.5 inches

A big achievement: Chandra poses proudly again with his certificates alongside his average-sized family members

Chandra has his hat adjusted as he walks with his far taller nephew Dolakh Dangi on the way to the hospital before being measured

Big appetite: Chandra tucks into a meal of curry and naan bread to celebrate being crowned the world's smallest man

Chairs are no uses to Chandra... he scampers across the table to reach the dishes

On the road: Chandra Bahadur is taken for a drive in Dang district, south west of Kathamandu

Meeting? Chandra's step into the limelight could lead to a Guinness World Records adjudication like the one being undertaken here involving Jyoti Amge, 18, the world's smallest woman. She has become a global celebrity and could well end up meeting Chandra

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